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"NoFap Movement. Can it actually bring value to me?" (pt 2)

NoFap is a website and community forum that serves as a support group for those who wish to give up pornography and masturbation. Its name comes from the slang term fap, referring to male masturbation. For the longest time I was plagued by masturbation and the mental dysfunctional downfalls of what it comes with. Not to mention it brought shame and disappointment into my life. If you haven't already, read my part one blog on the effects and psychology behind watching porn.

Background Story: One day the Lord gave me a dream, revealing to me the truth behind masturbation. John 8:32 says "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." In this dream the Lord had revealed and showed to me that sperm is a special seed of man. In other words, a mans sperm is his power and his offspring. "Infertility isn’t just a woman’s problem: One-third of the time, a male factor is identified as the cause of infertility, notes the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Clearly, having healthy sperm is important. But sperm health goes beyond just conceiving. Sperm quality also plays a role in the health of the overall pregnancy and possibly the baby. In studies on mice, stress and obesity in male mice modified the genes carried in their sperm. It made their mice babies more likely to be overweight and stressed. Still, more human studies are needed to examine this possible link" (healthline). From that point on I decided to become abstinent from porn and masturbation all together to maintain, sustain and expand the power of my seed.

NoFap Movement: My first couple weeks trying to disassociate my self from masturbation was very hard due to knowing the pleasure and satisfaction benefits. I soon then came to find out about this movement called NoFap. At its core root I was mostly interested in exhibiting the freedom and source of energy that the NoFap movement represented. One of the biggest things that swayed me into the NoFap movement was simply the fact that abstaining from masturbation is a very hard thing to do. Especially if you had once been addicted to it. However the benefits don't outweigh the cons. The NoFap movement is a group of individuals that want to exhibit life for what it truly is, without being held back my emotional insecurities or lack of love. What you come to find is that there are alot benefits of withdrawing yourself from masturbation.

NoFap Benefits: One of the biggest benefits that come from NoFap is sexual transmutation, which I will cover in more depth on a separate blog. But at its core, sexual transmutation is transitioning your sexual energy into your passion, career, ambition, idea, business, finance etc. Some of the personal benefits that I've experienced now practicing noFap for just a little over 1 year is in passion and mindset. I feel like I'm converting alot of my energy into my passion and creativity. When you become a partaker in masturbation you get this feeling once you've finished masturbating called shame and you lose self respect not only for yourself but for women as well. In pornography women are often just seen as objects and if men and women are both made in the same image of God, then how does this association reflect the way you see yourself? Other community members have reported seeing benefits in increased happiness.

  • boosted confidence.

  • increased motivation and willpower.

  • lower levels of stress and anxiety.

  • heightened spirituality.

  • self-acceptance.

  • improved attitude and appreciation toward the opposite sex.

which is definitely spot on and right on the money. Overall NoFap just gives you a complete transformation in mindset and heart. This transformation helps you in every single area of your life, allowing you to exhibit the freedom that God has called you to live.

Last but not least, I know some of you that are reading this are still struggling with masturbation or pornography. Whatever it is, yes it is extra weight and shame that you are carrying on your shoulders and you can't fight it alone but you can put it in the hands of our Almighty God. Who is the author and finisher of our faith. So if you can go ahead and read this prayer out loud.

______________________P R A Y E R ________________________

Father God, I want to thank you for this opportunity to come before you in your presence. Father Lord, forgive me for all my sins that I've convicted before your presence. Lord, renew me, restrengthen, reconstruct me, redirect me, recultivate me, restore me in your complete Glory and Fulfillment. Lord, I've going my own way and now Im coming before you to stir me in your direction. I will overcome every single temptation and addiction that is plaguing me spiritually, emotionally, socially and psychologically. In the Name of Jesus I am now free. John 8:36 says "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." I thank you Lord for freeing me. I thank you Lord for hearing my prayers. I will spread this good word and walk out your perfect will for my life IN JESUS NAME, AMEN.


Go ahead and share this with your friends!! If this helped go ahead and drop a like and a comment, I would very much appreciate it!! God Bless you all and lets GETT ITT!!!

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